<aside> 🚩 An engineering requirement is a precise condition that applies to every possible design that solves the design problem.



What are Requirements?

Design problems are typically defined initially in general terms (e.g., as in a Design Brief), not in the language of engineering and science. However, engineers cannot solve problems written in the language of laypersons. Before designing can start, engineers need a list of the conditions that will let them distinguish a satisfactory design from an unsatisfactory one.

This list of appropriately written conditions is called a set of requirements for the design problem at hand.

A satisfactory intervention must satisfy all the requirements; violating even one requirement renders the entire intervention unsatisfactory.

Requirements relate not only to functions needed to use an intervention, but also functions needed to support setting up an intervention before use and putting it away after use, to its manufacture and maintenance, and to how it is disposed of at the end of its useful life.

Form of Requirements

A requirement includes (a) a condition that must be true of any preferred solution to a design problem, plus (b) a justification for the requirement.

The condition of a requirement is written as a sentence of the form:

<aside> 💡 The intervention must do something such that limits on that action.


The do something part of a requirement is an action verb, and is called a function.

The limits on that action describe the extent to which a function must be provided, and are called constraints.

Some important characteristics of requirements are:

The justifications explain why the function and the constraints must be as they are. Justifications can include:

Five Attributes that Requirements Cover

There are five key attributes of any good design. Requirements must address them all. However, you may not be able to address them all at this point in your engineering education.

The five attributes that a set of requirements must cover are:

Functionality: Does the design intervention actually do what it's supposed to do? Does it fulfil its intended role in a larger system? Does it bring about a preferred situation?

Usability: Can users use it? Can they install, use, and decommission it safely, easily, even enjoyably?

Producibility: Can the intervention be manufactured/assembled easily and robustly?

Maintainability: Can the intervention be maintained easily and well? Does it even need to be maintained? How inconvenient is maintenance to users?

Sustainability: What impact does the design impose on the environment? How long will the product last? What happens to it at its end of life? How many people can afford it and for how long? Can it be sold at a reasonable price that satisfies users' financial abilities while allowing the company to remain financially solvent?

<aside> 💡 Focus on Functionality and Usability. In one-semester design courses, it is very difficult to cover all necessary requirements for all five attributes. Since quality is more important than quantity in this course, make sure you have functionality and usability as well addressed as possible, even if that means neglecting the others somewhat. Your instructor may have specific tasks you need to complete with respect to the other three attributes. But remember: in real life, all five attributes are essential for a successful intervention.
