<aside> 🚩 Instructions for Ryerson students who are using Salustri's Personality Temperament Indicator (PTI). FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.


<aside> ⚠️ Only do the PTI if:

  1. your instructor has told you it’s necessary for the course, and
  2. you have settled and officially enrolled in a section of the course in which you will remain for the whole semester. NOTE: It is not necessary to do the PTI more than once per year. The PTI is smart enough to reused your previous results in such cases, and will inform you that it will do that.


Using the PTI

**Please read the instructions below before doing the PTI.**The link to the PTI is given near the bottom of this page, to encourage you to read the instructions first.

You will be prompted for a login and password. Use your D2L user ID and password.

Figure 1: The PTI Welcome Screen

Figure 1: The PTI Welcome Screen

If the login was successful, you will see a web page something like Figure 1. If you do not see this, contact your instructor immediately.

Click the Take the Questionnaire button to continue.

You will then see eight successive screens with the PTI questions. They will look something like Figure 2. When you finish each page, click the Save and Continue button at the bottom of the webpage.

Figure 2: Typical PTI Questions

Figure 2: Typical PTI Questions

You must answer all the questions. If you miss a question and try to continue to the next screen, the PTI will indicate the question that you missed. Answer it and then continue.

Once you've answered all the questions, click the Score Test button at the bottom of the page.

Figure 3: Sample PTI Results Page

Figure 3: Sample PTI Results Page

Once you finish the test successfully, you will get a page similar to Figure 3.

The PTI program stores key information in a database on CCS servers, so if you get a report similar to Figure 3, everything worked and no further action is required. You may wish to print out that results web page for your information.

After the deadline for completing the PTI, your instructor will use that information to create the design teams and will then communicate that information to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact your instructor.

Link to take the PTI